Customer journey mapping
Optimize marketing ROI by understanding customers’ key touch points and influencers
A customer journey mapping identifies the path from initial awareness to the final purchase of a specific product or service. By defining the key moments of the journey, the insights generated will enable you to understand the customers’ decision-making process, develop awareness and demand for your product/service selection, and invest in the most important touch points.
Key insights
By mapping the customer journey, you will uncover actionable insights on:
Reach, influence and importance of touchpoints across the key moments
Most important touch points to achieve maximum reach for your target audience
Changes in touch points importance throughout the customer journey and the strategic role played by key influencers
A full landscape mapping of touch points for key journey moments
Cost-efficient ways to optimize media and communications plans to increase ROI.
Visualization example from a customer journey mapping
Technical set-up
For each Key Moment consumers undergo an exhaustive list of potential Touch Points (TP) and sources of information.
The influence and reach of each TP involved in the customer journey is then measured according to its importance and impact on the target audience.
The influence can be derived by Driver analysis, e.g., for importance of TP on consideration or purchase intent.
Data analysis and reporting
The touch points are quantified and mapped to:
Visualize categories and sources of information with higher/lower reach and influence compared to other categories/sources
Understand which touch points are driving awareness and their impact on decision-making
Determine the presence of touch points with high average retention, meaning they played a relevant/influential role across key moments
Identify possible correlations between reach/ influence and retention
Reach and influence example
TURF analysis
TURF (Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency) analysis can be used to estimate reach potential
Helps in identifying the number of customers reached by a touch point and how often they are reached
Provides insights on which combinations of possible touch points can have the greatest impact on the audience